Sounds of Resistance
Lives in the Balance
Political protest came to the fore in Browne’s music in, “Lives in the Balance”, an explicit condemnation of U.S. policy in Central America.
The March of the Dead
Music composed by Country Joe McDonald from the poem by Robert William Service. he cruel...
Tomas Young Fought to Expose the Lies of the Iraq War
Superhero-loving kid from Kansas City hit by two rounds from an AK-47 that severed his spinal cord and paralyzed him from the waist down.
Mercy Now
I know we don’t deserve it but we need it anyhow. We hang in the balance … Every single one of us could use some mercy now.
The Green Fields of France (No Man’s Land)
by Eric Bogle. “No Man’s Land” (also known as “The Green Fields of France” or “Willie McBride”).
Song of Songs
Joan Baez singing the musical setting of this poem by renowned Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis. Look how beautiful my beloved...
The Revolution Will Rhyme
Revolution by poet Jillian Hanesworth from Stephen Rosenthal on Vimeo. The revolution will not be televised The revolution...
Palestinian Rapper MC Abdul, 12, Releases Debut: ‘Shouting at the Wall’
Palestinian hip-hop sensation MC Abdul, 12, has released his debut single, “Shouting at the Wall,” an homage to Palestinian resistance.