This is a shortened 50-minute version of Sir! No Sir!, one of the great antiwar films about GI resistance during the Viet Nam...
GIs Talk About What VFP Means to Them
t’s not unusual to be somewhere representing Veterans For Peace and meet a veteran who didn’t know...
Nina-Clara Schnall
The world lost someone special this past November. Nina Schnall left us all too soon at only 54 years of age.
We, Israelis, Call For Global Sanctions on Israel
More than 3,300 Israelis have signed this open letter asking the world to use ‘every possible sanction’ to ‘save us from ourselves.’
A Message from Clare Daly
It is an honour for me to ask you to help Veterans For Peace because its members are my heroes.
Words from an Elder
A longtime member of Veterans For Peace shares what he has learned about and from the people living in Israel/Palestine.
A Study in Contrasts
Two choirs, one Israeli, one Palestinian. Judge for yourself The Ramallah Friends School Choir 'Friendship Song'
The Russell-Einstein Manifesto
Philosopher Bertrand Russell and physicist Albert Einstein urged peaceful resolution to international conflict to avoid “universal death.”
Illegal Search and Seizure at Apartment of Yurii Sheliazhenko in Kyiv
The Ukrainian Pacifist Movement opposes both sides of the current war. They are now apparently being accused of supporting the Russian side.
Friar Tuck – A Ladies Man
This is the story of Tuck (or Friar Tuck formally), an African pied crow, who likes to be the star of everything.
What Does Irish Neutrality Really Mean?
What does Irish neutrality really mean now and in the future. Is the country able to defend itself in the modern era?
Hiroshima Day: A Time to Mourn, Not to Celebrate
Plans to protest the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum’s “Happy Birthday, Intrepid” party for children on August 6 , Hiroshima Day.
Women Cross the DMZ Claps Back at Newsweek
Peace activists set the record straight after Newsweek publishes an opinion column entitled “North Korean Stooges Step Into the Light.”
How the West Brought War to Ukraine
U.S. and NATO actions show a lack of understanding about how easily NATO’s behavior could decrease Western security, rather than increase it.