“There is something sick and rotten about states and societies that not only support and enable mass killings but also make money off of them.”
Dr. Martin Luther King’s Prophetic Warning: Denouncing the Merchants of Death
We all have a choice to hold ourselves accountable in the face of Dr. King's warning that we are approaching spiritual death....
Unfurling Love from the Window
Hind Rajab committed no crime, but she was made to watch her family die and wait for death surrounded by their corpses.
When Starvation Is a Weapon, the Harvest Is Shame
As Palestinians die of starvation under occupation, it brings grim echoes of another famine nearly two centuries ago in Ireland.
Israel Is Assaulting Hospitals in Gaza with Full U.S. Support
Hospitals should be places of healing, not theaters of war, but in Gaza and the West Bank they have been invaded, bombed and destroyed.
Tunnels for Safety and Tunnels for Death
The Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal notes that weapons makers’ stocks on Wall Street have risen 7% since the war started.
Calling for a ‘Pause’ in Israel’s Assault on Gaza Isn’t Enough
We’ve no excuse, none whatsoever, for not raising our voices resoundingly, thunderously, clamoring for a Ceasefire, Now.
Prioritizing Human Rights in Relations with Saudi Arabia
Rather than normalize militarism and human rights abuses, the United States should seek to salvage the planet and respect human rights.
The Right to Seek Safety
Unimaginable terror afflicts refugees on dilapidated boats crossing the Mediterranean Sea. Humane alternatives should guide policies.
Blood Does Not Wash Away Blood
Major powers can benefit from believing that, as Albert Camus once put it, “words are more powerful than munitions.”
Decry the Merchants of Death
How can we in the United States prevent the killing that goes on, in our name, in multiple wars, exacerbated by weapons made in the U.S.A?
America: Recognize the Pain You Are Causing Afghan People
23 million in extreme hunger. A million children in immediate danger of starvation. The US should unfreeze Afghanistan’s Central Bank assets.
To Counter Terror, Abolish War
The Taliban are in power because of a colossal mess the U.S. helped create. To combat terrorism, end these wars for vengeance and profit.
Reckoning and Reparations in Afghanistan
Besides financial recompense for 20 years of war, we should consider a commitment to dismantle the warfare systems that brought such havoc.
We Need an International Treaty to Ban Weaponized Drones
A young Lebanese mother mourning the death of her daughter helped me understand how monitoring by drones terrified her and her neighbors.
Blood for Oil
Amid the ongoing horror, it’s important to find ways to atone for war crimes—including reparations.