Even the most deluded strong man shouldn’t wish his manifest destiny to be ruling over an empire of the dead.
The Trillion-Dollar Blob
America has a bellicose, bullying, immature leadership that thinks military might is the answer to everything
U.S. Power Sets All the Wrong Examples to the World
The problem is that America continues to make war, continues being “essential” only as the world’s leading merchant of death.
What Ever Happened to Gary Cooper?
How can we end our enduring fascination with a comic book-style militarism that has stepped out of screen fantasy and into our lives?
Clinging Bitterly to Guns and Religion
Americans are experiencing national and imperial decline. Can America save itself? Is this country, even worth saving?
A Few Words About Memorial Day
A future without war and all its awfulness is the best way to honor our troops, even as we cherish the memory of the heroes who died.
A Road to Peace or the Highway to Hell
In 1953, Eisenhower warned that Cold War competition would lead to a world dominated by wars and weaponry that couldn’t be reined in.
Peace Is Not Our Profession
It seems that we may be on the verge of returning to a nightmarish past, where we lived in fear of a nuclear war that would kill us all.
One Peculiar Form of American Madness
America is touched by a peculiar form of collective madness that sees military action as creative, not destructive, desirable, not deplorable.
How Can We Take On the Military-Industrial Complex?
Stop trying to dominate the world. Stop claiming that democracy can be spread by bullets and bombs.
The Pentagon – A Pentagod of Wrath
America’s abyss of weapons and warmaking: The deity America believes in is the five-sided one headquartered in Arlington, Virginia.