Dedicated to Abolishing War, Establishing Justice, and Fighting Climate Disaster

Dedicated to Abolishing War, Establishing Justice, and Fighting Climate Disaster

Author: Jack Gilroy
Jack Gilroy has been organizing justice actions since the 1960s. He was honorably discharged from the U.S. Navy and U.S. Army Infantry, and converted to nonviolence during the Viet Nam War. Nonviolently standing for justice has led to him spending time in Southern jails, federal prisons, and more recently Jamesville Penitentiary.
Why Russia Fears the West

Why Russia Fears the West

Russia Fears the West is a brilliant, must watch 11- minute historical video by Quintin Casella and Jack Gilroy. We were amazed (and pleased) at how much highly relevant information for today could be put into a short historical video. -the editors