Why should I expect such amazing behavior from you, when your history is as checkered and bloody as anyone else’s, maybe more?
Start a Lasting Peace in Ukraine Now
Peace negotiations in Ukraine would also be aided by negotiations to cut military spending in half and get rid of nuclear weapons.
What Does NATO Have to Do with the Genocide in GAZA?
NATO and NATO members have been supporting Israel since its creation by funding, arming, and training the Israeli military.
Sailing to Gaza
Ann Wright is a Member of the Advisory Board of World BEYOND War. She is the co-author of Dissent: Voices of Conscience.
International Court of Justice Rules that Israel Must Cease Fire
The ICJ has ruled that Israel must cease its warmaking in Gaza and that the case charging Israel with genocide must proceed.
Easier Ways to Talk About War and Peace
This war is the top impediment to global cooperation on climate and environment, and a top direct destroyer of the environment.
There Is No Nuclear Option
There’s nothing simple or easy about letting people in a war zone determine their fate, but it’s that or ruin.
Act Now to Save Ukrainian Peace Activist from Prosecution
Yurii Sheliazhenko has been formally charged by the Ukrainian government with the crime of justifying Russian aggression.
When in Rome, Do as the Americans Do?
Every bar and osteria caters to English-speaking tourists and their tastes. Via Veneto is a cartoon of itself, featuring a Hard Rock Cafe.
From Beyond the Death of Beyond Vietnam
Every nation must now develop an overriding loyalty to humankind as a whole in order to preserve the best in their individual societies.
Hell Is Other People’s Thinking About War
The author has added Doug Lummis’ new book to his list of great war abolition books and considers it the best book he’s read recently.
Why Russia Is Crazy
Russia’s December 2021 demands are described by numerous news articles, but the list of demands itself is found in very few places.