The idea the public is meant to ingest from this type of messaging, of course, is that it would be good and right for the ceasefire to end
Who Is Authorizing Biden’s Nuclear Brinkmanship While The President’s Brain Is Missing?
People who say you get more conservative as you get older are just projecting their own personal shittiness onto everyone else.
Biden’s Legacy Is Genocide, War, And Nuclear Brinkmanship
This is the legacy that Democrats were forced to spend the last election cycle pretending is great and awesome. It’s no wonder they lost.
If Only Everyone Understood That The US Deliberately Provoked This War
It’s about as monstrous a thing as you could possibly come up with. Yet here it is, still unfolding in all its blood-spattered glory.
How To Go On In A World Full Of Cruelty
Even in the ugliness, there is immense beauty. Even in the grief. Even in the anger. Even in the waves of sadness. Beauty is always present.
Mass Atrocity Made Possible By Systematic Dehumanisation Of Palestinians
Oxfam reports that Israeli forces killed four water engineers and workers on their way to repair water infrastructure in Gaza.
Another Phony Biden PR Stunt About Humanitarian Aid In Gaza
If this was a real thing with real teeth and not an incredibly cynical eleventh-hour election ploy, it would have happened a full year ago.
On This Day in Particular
When someone is using a weapon to hurt people, a good person will take their weapon away, and won’t give them any more weapons.
Oh No, Now The US Has To Stop Imprisoning Ex-Presidents For Their Crimes!
Gaza is asking us a very important question about ourselves. Our answer will set the course for the future of our entire world.
Hell, Maybe ANYTHING Is Possible
Maybe what just happened with Assange can happen with any of the other injustices and abuses we see in our world today.
When The Powerful Control Public Opinion
You could fix all the problems in the American voting system, and U.S. presidential elections would still be rigged.
Aaron Bushnell Burned Himself Alive To Make You Turn Your Eyes To Gaza
He remained standing for an unbelievable amount of time while he was burning. I don’t know where he got the strength to do it.
Nobody Who Gets Gaza Wrong Is Worth Listening To
It’s not going to get any easier for the empire from here. Those eyes that have been opened will not be closed again.
In The War Of Propaganda, It Is Very Difficult To Defeat The United States
The nature of the US-centralized empire allows it to run a massive, nonstop international propaganda campaign through mass media platforms.
CNN and Washington Post Busted for Pro-Israel Propaganda Shenanigans
The biggest misconception about propaganda is that it is something that happens to other people, and is done by other countries.
I Don’t Care What Religion The Genocidal Child Murderers Are
If you’re murdering thousands of children, the very least significant thing about that situation is what religion you happen to be.
How The Hell Did We Get Here?
We could have peace on earth and move from competition-based systems to collaboration-based ones to maximize our creative potential.
Palestinian Poet Refaat Alareer Killed in Gaza Strike
Kill a poet and his poems fight on. That poet is still throwing his marker at the bastards.
Only Truth and Clear Seeing Can Lead Us to Peace and Harmony
Self-realization only occurs when there’s been a clear seeing into the nature of awareness and perception.
If the U.S. Really Was What It Pretends To Be
It’s wild to consider how many of the world’s problems would not exist if the U.S. really was the thing it advertises itself as.
They’re Repeating The Word ‘Unprovoked’ Again, This Time In Defense Of Israel
As Noam Chomsky quipped last year, “Of course, it was provoked. Otherwise, they wouldn’t refer to it all the time as an unprovoked invasion.”
Journalism Itself Is Locked Up In Belmarsh
It’s not just a man locked up in Belmarsh Prison for the crime of good journalism — it’s journalism itself.
Clearing Out Pacific Jungles to Prepare for War with China
The US Air Force is clearing out jungles in the Pacific and replacing them with airfields for its coming war with China.
If Everyone Understood That The US Deliberately Provoked This War
The worst thing that could happen to the US empire would be for people to become aware that all this destruction could have been avoided.
Always Opposing Past Wars But Never The Present One
The age of western domination has been defined by imperialism, colonialism, exploitation, narrative control, and dogshit mainstream culture.
Another Day, Another CIA Press Release Disguised As News
CNN has a new article out – and it’s exactly what you’d expect if you’ve been observing western mass media over the last several years.
The Most Important Election of All Time
People on one side of the partisan divide are being trained to fear a future fascist takeover that has already occurred.
Searching for Bigfoot
The better humanity gets at sharing information about our world the fewer miracles and magic beasts there are in it.
Thank You For Your Service: A Tribute to the Life of Daniel Ellsberg
A message not to those who serve the war machine, but to the peacemakers, the truth tellers, to the defiant ones.
Punch The Empire
Speech is violence and cluster bombs are peace. Homelessness and war are normal and opposing nuclear armageddon is treason.
Fifteen Useful and Truthful Facts
Reality is nondual. There’s no separation between the perceiver and that which is perceived, or between the objects in sense perception.
Thank You for Your Service
I say this to the peacemakers. … To those who’ve shone the light of truth upon the blood-spattered face of the empire.
Look With Both Eyes
Those who are sincerely dedicated to truth must work on expanding consciousness both outwardly and inwardly.