Peace & Planet News

June 8, 1967 Israel Attacks the USS Liberty

USS Liberty

For Bob Nash (Who walks for Peace and stands for Justice)

Liberty, Liberty, Liberty!   

June 8th 2024

Sometimes the only justice in Life is
poetic justice. So I take up this
pen to tell the tale of the USS
Liberty, that they may at least have
that, these shipmates, the crew deserve better.

On June 8th, 1967 the USS
Liberty, after being observed
by the Israeli defense forces, who
then launched a two hour air and sea
attack. 34 sailors dead and 172
wounded (a casualty rate of 70%).
The deadliest attack on a US war
ship in the Med, since World War II.
In a coordinated sea and air attack
The IDF tried to sink the USS Liberty.
They dropped 1000 lb bombs and napalm.
12 war planes flew as many as 30
sorties, while torpedo boats struck
with torpedo and gun attacks.
There was a 30’ torpedo crater.

and there were 821 bullet
holes in the Liberty (including 100
rocket holes). These boats stayed to
fire at the damage control teams and
stretcher bearers who were trying to save lives.
They also fired at the life rafts.
A full investigation never happened
a gag order was imposed on
survivors. Israel did agree to pay retribution
costs to the families, but the full story
never came out, and was covered up.
The sailors deserve more than that.
Liberty, Liberty, Liberty! 


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