Peace & Planet News

‘Even Losing Wars Make Money’

Peace and Planet News editors, like many of our readers no doubt, spend a higher-than-average amount of time sifting through the enormous amount of material available on the war in Ukraine — something that’s essential in order to build an immune system that can withstand the propaganda onslaught repeating “Us Good. Them Bad.”
That’s why we are pleased to offer the background and context provided by these two informative videos.

  1. Scott Ritter uses his experience as a Marine and a weapons inspector to make sense of what’s happening in Ukraine by placing the war in the context of U.S militarism, empire and the mitigation attempts of weapons treaties.
  2. Ben Norton highlights a little-noticed speech from Ukraine’s president Zelensky in which he explains to U.S. corporations and investors that, as the saying goes, “even losing wars make money.” As you listen to him, remember the role then-Vice President Dick Cheney’s Halliburton Corp. had in both destroying and rebuilding Iraq.

Take a gander at how corporate gangsterism puts our tax dollars to work. The price paid is either at best, poverty, injury and desolation, or as the case for many in Ukraine, death.

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