Peace & Planet News

Avoiding World War Three

Many of us are extremely leery about the benefits of Artificial Intelligence. There is a great propensity for humans to selfishly (or foolishly) use advanced technology for profit and or power, that inevitably results in negative and destructive ends. However, peace activist Eric Herter decided to asked Claude2, an artificial intelligence chatbot produced by Anthropic, how to avoid World War Three. The AI’s answers reflect a wisdom that has been expressed by people in the peace movement for a long time, but which has been ignored. Maybe since the responses below come from an artficial computerized intelligence with no perceivable bias, they will be more accepted by society, and maybe even by our corporate-controlled, profit- and power-driven governments. Unfortunately, we are not optimistic. – The editors

EH: How do we avoid world war three?

AI: I do not actually have a comprehensive plan to avoid world war three. However, here are some thoughts on promoting peace and avoiding catastrophic conflict:

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